Lombard Dental Studio in Thousand Oaks

🕒 Monday-Friday: 10AM-5PM 📍 245 Lombard Street, Thousand Oaks

Dentist Ventura

Contact Lombard Dental Studio

Lombard Dental Studio is a full-service dental practice located in Thousand Oaks. Under the expert care of Dr. Vadim Lebovich, the practice offers a wide variety of dental services

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Welcome Offer for New Patients
Book Your Comprehensive Dental Visit

Your first visit is more than a routine appointment, it's the beginning of a personalized path to better oral health. We accept new patients of all ages and provide a comprehensive, initial FREE CONSULTATION to understand your unique needs. Start your oral wellness with one of the best dentists Thousand Oaks can provide.

$59 New Patient Special

Dental Exam, X-rays, Oral Cancer Screening
*New, non-insured patients only.
Limit one special per patient.
Offer not valid with other offers or for price service.
No cash value. 
Call Us 805 495-2431
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